I sold my past chains
to get free, to get in the veins
new blood and the energy
um zu Leben, to sustain
this big huge Present
I received yesterday.
So I have this Yoga Lehrerin
like an old Hollywood star
and at the Hairdresser’s
I do feel very wichtig
when I look at myself in the dark
of my weird weird thinking
about Life and about
our tiny Puppenhaus.
But here at home I know Reality
as just another role to play
und mache euch die Bühne frei
denn die Zeit geht schnell worbei.
Ci sarà, alla fine,
un applauso da sentire?
M’inchino a mi accorgo del Chaos
hier im unseren Märchenhaus
e trovo anche il mio vecchio mantello
to be again the cosmic Queen
I never dared to be but within
the timeless space
of a greater human race.
Uno scettro di nulla
per scomparir dalla Terra
o una corona di fiori
per celebrarne i colori?
Lass mich mal nur Mutter sein.
Lass mein Bauch mehr Platz, more joy
and a still green lilac
to dream of a daughter,
to be with my boys.